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jikes - java source to bytecode compiler  


jikes [-classpath path] [-d directory] [-debug] [-depend] [-deprecation] [-encoding encoding] [-g] [-nowarn] [-nowrite] [-O] [-verbose] [-Xdepend] [-Xstdout] [++] [+B] [+OLDCSO] [+D] [+DR=filename] [+E] [+F] [+K] [+M] [+P] [+Tnn] [+U] [+Z] [+c] file.java ...  


Jikes translates Java(TM) source files to bytecode. Features include strict adherence to the language specification, automatic makefile generation and incremental compilation. It is maintained by the Jikes Project.



Jikes may be invoked with the following command-line options:
-classpath path
use path for CLASSPATH
-d directory
write class files in specified directory
no effect (recognized for compatibility)
recompile all used classes
report uses of deprecated features
use specified encoding to read source files
debug (generate LocalVariableTable attribute)
do not issue warning messages
do not write any class files
do not write LineNumberTable
list files read and written
same as -depend
write error messages to standard output, not stderr
compile in incremental mode
do not invoke bytecode generator
Select to use same classpath search order as in older versions of Jikes (for compatibility).
report errors immediately in emacs-form without buffering
write report of dependencies to specified file
list errors in emacs-form
do full dependence check except for Zip and Jar files
map name to type keyword
generate makefile dependencies
Pedantic compilation - issues lots of warnings
set value of tab to nn spaces
do full dependence check including Zip and Jar files
treat cautions as errors
do not discard comments from lexer output

An argument may have the form @file; each line of file is then interpreted as an argument, except that lines beginning with @ are not expanded recursively.



Jikes requires a colon-separated list of directories or files that tell it where to look for any needed class or source files, for example ".:$HOME/java/jre/lib/rt.jar". A definition given with the environment variable JIKESPATH takes precedence over one given with CLASSPATH; a definition using the -classpath option takes precedence over any value specified via the environment.  


Jikes Project homepage
http://oss.software.ibm.com/developerworks/opensource/jikes/ for news of recent developments, to download new versions, to report bugs, or to learn how to participate in the development process.



Copyright © 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, International Business Machines Corporation and others. All Rights Reserved.

Jikes is licensed under the IBM Public License, included in the file license.htm distributed with the program, and also available at the Jikes Project URL.



Java is a registered trademark of Sun Microsystems, Inc.




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